IMEI registration fee will increase by 726 TL at the beginning of the year 2022!
03.11.2021 - 13:58 Update: 03.11.2021 - 16:52
With the announcement of the inflation figures for October, the revaluation rate, which is closely related to those who want to bring a phone with them from abroad, became clear. Accordingly, the IMEI registration fee, which was 2006 TL for 2021, is expected to be increased to 2732 TL by increasing at least 726 TL at the beginning of the year (2022).
With the announcement of the October inflation data of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), the revaluation rate to be applied for 2022 has also been determined. Every year, the October Producer Price Index (PPI) is taken as the basis for the increase to be applied in the amounts of taxes, fees and penalties in the new year.
According to the latest data announced by TURKSTAT, the annual PPI, that is, the revaluation rate, was 36.2 percent. Therefore, there will be an increase of 36.2 percent in 2022 in figures such as taxes, fees, penalties and passport fees. It is expected that the amount of usage permit (IMEI registration) fee collected from mobile phones brought with passengers from abroad will increase at this rate with the new year.
As is known, the IMEI registration fee is increased every year at least at this revaluation rate. However, the President also has the authority to set new rates, not exceeding 50 percent of the revaluation rate and not less than 20 percent.
According to the news of Necdet Çalışkan from Habertürk, the revaluation rate for 2021 was 9.11 percent and with the beginning of 2021, the amount of IMEI registration fee was increased by the same proportion, from 1838.7 TL to 2006.2 TL.
The tax and fee amounts to be applied in 2022 will take their final form after their publication in the Official Gazette. However, in the current table, the amount of IMEI registration fee will be increased by 36.2%, corresponding to at least 726.2 TL, and will reach 2732 TL.
While the amount of IMEI registration fee collected from phones brought with passengers from abroad was 2006 TL in 2021, it was 1838 TL in 2020, 1500 TL in 2019, 500 TL in 2018 and 149 TL in 2017. In other words, with the New Year's Eve, the last 5-year increase in the IMEI registration fee will correspond to 1733 percent.
The IMEI registration fee amounts in the past years in Turkey were as follows:
Year Registration Fee (TL)
2012 100
2013 115
2014 119.5
2015 131.5
2016 138.5
2017 149.2
2018 500
2019 1500
2020 1838.7
2021 2006.2
2022 2732.4
The original article in Turkish language, appeared in HABER TURK, and has been AI translated.
Link to the original article:
